Cascade Virtual

Jan 28, 20202 min

3 Ways To Be Successful With Your Virtual Team


1. Allow Culture To Flourish

Forbes defines company culture as ” … something that is pre-existing in your company’s genetic code; it’s not something that employees bring with them … instead, business owners seek out those individuals who they feel would be a good match with their existing vision for the company.”

But for many working remotely culture is often overlooked. PLOT TWIST: Company culture isn’t limited to physical spaces. That’s like saying a family can’t be a family unless everyone sleeps under one roof. It’s that feeling in your stomach when you dread going to work, or the excitement you feel when you’re actually eager to go to work. A vibrant culture is what makes that giddiness possible. It should be linked to your vision, and by design your team can willingly, and enthusiastically embody that.

It’s a hum. A verve. A vibe.

2. Encourage Collaboration

We live in a time where ‘there’s an app for that’, a software, a platform, and a website. The list goes on and on. With the right systems and processes in place to structure, support, and encourage team coordination, you can leverage everyone’s individual strengths.

In fact, here are five burgeoning technologies and tools to help your virtual team collaborate, streamline, enhance, and improve their work together: Zoom or Skype for video conferencing, Slack, Trello, Dropbox, and Google Docs.

3. Trust Enough to Delegate

Delegation is actually part and parcel to one of the most frequently touted tips for a successful virtual team: trust.

Yep, that’s right. Trust and delegation are a virtual team’s success ingredients.

To lead a virtual team effectively, you must trust your team to do that for which they were hired. Because you can tell someone you trust them, but if you’re not putting your money, and their paycheck where your mouth is, it amounts to nothing more than lip service.

Trust is a currency, and just like a currency it can be earned and saved over time, as well as depleted in seconds.

So how can leaders show their trust? Delegation. The kind of delegation that entrusts people with key projects, offering support only as needed. This, incidentally, also benefits from the same compounding, multiplying effect as currency. The more you invest and entrust, the more you equip the employees of today to be the great leaders of tomorrow.

Delegation shows your virtual team that you trust them. Your actions say, ‘I trust you to do a good job.’

You have a vision, and it’s going to take a lot of work to get there. It’s going to take more than you to get there, it’s going to take a team. Share your vision, supply the right tools, have the perfect team, and the sky's the limit.

If you are looking for a trustworthy team, look no further.…...Virtual Assistants standing by.
