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What is the Best Virtual Assistant Service Pricing for Your Business?

One of the main reasons businesses hire VA services is to achieve operational efficiency without breaking the bank. That makes virtual assistant costs one of the most important factors businesses consider before deciding.

Now, beyond the dollar value of your VA agency’s services, you’ll also want to know and understand the pricing models and as well as the different perks that come with the contract. That’s what we are here for.

In this article, we’ll discuss the different virtual assistant service pricing models, the different factors that drive the prices, and how to choose the best pricing for your business.

We’ve also included details about the pricing of the top virtual assistant companies, including our own, Cascade Virtual, which offers you affordable excellence; the best pricing on the market for your needs.

Note: Ready to hire VA services for your business? At Cascade Virtual, we are the business growth partners you need. We offer you U.S.-based VAs with over 10 years of experience at a $35-$50 hourly rate. Our team takes care of the activities that weigh you down while you focus on the core parts of your business. Book a meeting with us!

Top 5 virtual assistant service pricing models in the market and what you get with each

The main thing you need to understand here is that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, and what works best for one business may not be the right choice for yours.

You always need to consider your business’s unique circumstances, specific needs, budget, and work requirements in mind when deciding.

That said, here are the best virtual assistant service pricing models you should consider when hiring a virtual assistant service.

1. Hourly rate

Hourly rate pricing is as straightforward as it sounds. You pay for the time your virtual assistant spends working on your tasks. This model is ideal for businesses with fluctuating workloads, and it’s the most popular pricing model we have seen VA businesses offer so far.

Hourly rates give you the flexibility to pay only for the hours your VAs worked. It’s like paying for electricity – you’re billed based on consumption. Here is an example from Time etc.

Typically, you purchase a monthly or weekly hour unit at a fixed price from your VA agency. Your dedicated VA then perform tasks and book hours accordingly. If you have to exceed your monthly or weekly hour unit, you can assess your needs and move to the next available package to give your VA the freedom to work towards your business growth.

Understand that depending on the agency you partner with, top-up hour rates may or may not cost you more than the standard hourly rate.

Here are the pros and cons of this model:


  • It’s flexible and cost-effective if you have variable workloads.

  • It’s easy to track hours worked, and you pay just for that.

  • It requires no long-term commitment.


  • Costs can vary from month to month.

  • You can’t may have a hard time predicting expenses and budget initially.

  • Tasks can easily take longer than expected, and you’ll have to pay more.

2. Monthly retainer

A monthly retainer works like a subscription service for virtual assistant support. Typically, you agree to pay a fixed amount each month for a specified number of hours or services. This is a good option if you have a consistent workload and want stability in your budget.

Here is an example of this from Prialto:

Let’s discuss the pros and cons of the monthly retainer for virtual assistant services.


  • It ensures predictable monthly costs.

  • You paid for a month, so you get guaranteed availability.

  • You can easily build a strong ongoing working relationship with the VA agency and get more value for them.


  • It may not be cost-efficient for light workloads.

  • Unused hours are typically non-refundable.

  • You get limited flexibility to adjust hours in a given month.

3. Project-based pricing

As the name implies, ​​with a project-based pricing model, you agree to a fixed cost for a specific project or task, the VA service completes the project, you pay them for it, and that’s it. This approach is best suited for well-defined, one-off projects with a clear scope of work.

Typically, VA companies will list activities or services they have specific talent for or that they know people often request, and detail how much it’ll cost your business to have them do the work for you. Here is an example of this from Brivity VA.

Here are the pros and cons of this:


  • It offers clear and fixed costs for individual tasks.

  • There won’t be surprises in terms of expenses.

  • It’s a great deal for short-term projects.


  • It’s not suitable for you if you have ongoing or long-term support.

  • It offers you limited flexibility if the project scope changes (you have to pay more or cancel the work you need altogether).

  • There is also the risk of underestimating the project’s complexity, which, when it occurs, the VA service will be obliged to make you pay more.

4. Package deals (bundled services)

Package deals are not a particularly popular option. It essentially stands for bulk buying. You pay for a set of services bundled together, often at a discounted rate.

The VA agency often suggests this when you’ve proven yourself a loyal customer who comes to them for a wide array of services. Customers on a budget and needing services can also introduce this as well. It is a cost-effective choice if you require a range of services regularly.

Here is why you may or may not like this model.


  • You save on expenses through bundling.

  • You get to access multiple services in one package.

  • It offers you predictable pricing for a set of services.


  • There is limited customization compared to other models.

  • Some bundled services may be unused, and you may not be refunded.

  • It may not fit businesses with highly specific needs.

5. One-time project

For unique, single tasks or short-term projects, a one-time project model can be a practical choice. You pay a flat fee for a specific task without any long-term commitment.

You mainly get this pricing model from VA services that operate on freelance platforms or popular virtual assistant websites. Here are the pros and cons of it:


  • You get a clear, one-time cost for a single task.

  • No long-term commitment or retainer.

  • Ideal for standalone projects or trial runs.


  • It’s not suitable for ongoing support.

  • It’s not cost-effective for regular, repetitive tasks.

  • You may get limited availability for future projects.

Note: Ready to hire VA services for your business? At Cascade Virtual, we are the business growth partners you need. We offer you U.S.-based VAs with over 10 years of experience at a $35-$50 hourly rate. Our team takes care of the activities that weigh you down while you focus on the core parts of your business. Book a meeting with us!

4 factors influencing VA pricing

The cost of hiring a virtual assistant (VA) can vary widely based on several factors. We believe the best way for you to approach this is to align your needs and budget with the right set of skills, expertise, location, experience level, and engagement type.

Let’s discuss each and how they come into play for the pricing you get.

1. Skillset and expertise

When it comes to hiring a VA service, the skill set and expertise you require for your project are significant factors in determining the cost.

Generally, VAs with specialized skills, such as graphic design, social media management, data entry, project management or digital marketing, often charge more than those who perform general administrative tasks. The more specialized the skills required, the higher the price tag.

2. Geographical location

Where your VA service’s talent pool is located also has a big, direct impact on their pricing. Different countries have varying costs of living, which directly affects the rates VAs charge.

For instance, a VA based in New York City will generally demand a higher rate than one in a smaller town in the Midwest. It’s like comparing the cost of living in a big city to that in a rural area.

Also, it’s well-established that VAs from the Philippines particularly, and Asia in general, typically cost less than those from the United States or Europe.

3. Experience level

Experience is another critical factor that affects VA pricing. An entry-level VA, who may be just starting their career or transitioning into remote work, typically charges less than an experienced VA with a proven track record.

Also, if the company has a cut-throat screening process and is confident in the ability of the virtual assistants working for them to deliver unmatched work quality, they’ll be likely to charge higher rates.

That’s because experienced VAs often come with a wealth of knowledge, an established network, and the ability to complete tasks efficiently.

4. Scope of work and type of engagement

Last but not least, the scope of work and the type of engagement (typically based on the pricing options and models) you choose also play a substantial role in determining how much you pay in the end. Here is how this often goes.

If you opt for an hourly rate, you pay for the actual hours worked on your tasks. So, the question here is: how many hours will you need and what are the virtual assistant rates that they offer?

A retainer agreement means a fixed monthly payment, regardless of the number of hours the VA works for you, and it provides stability and availability. It’s akin to paying a gym membership versus a pay-as-you-go fitness plan.

Project-based pricing, meanwhile, entails agreeing on a set fee for a specific job. This is ideal for well-defined tasks or projects with a clear scope. The choice between these engagement types influences what you’ll ultimately pay.

How to choose the best virtual assistant pricing model for your business, and what to look for in the contract?

So, how do you choose the best virtual assistant service pricing for your business?

For us, the approach is simple. The first step is to ensure they have the right skills and experience for the tasks you want to delegate to them, then ensure the contract doesn’t make you lose money. With that said, here are the considerations you need to make here.

Consider your needs

Before you sign any contract, it’s essential to consider your business’s specific needs. Assess the type of tasks you require assistance with, your budget, and the expected workload. So, can the VA service handle the work you need to do for you? If yes, cool!

Next, how much will that cost you? Can you afford them? Is their pricing reasonable? Is the pricing model ideal for the specific you need? So, beyond the rates and the amount of dollars you’ll have to pay, you should also consider the pricing model.

For example, if you need ongoing support with administrative tasks, a monthly retainer or hourly rate may work best. If it’s a one-time project, opt for a project-based model.

Make sure not to get charged extra for overages

What we mean here is to make sure not to go for a pricing model that makes you waste money.

For example, you don’t want to get stuck into a contract with a VA service where you don’t use all the monthly hours you purchased and still have to pay them.

As well, you do not want to choose a plan where you have to pay extra because you exceeded the monthly hour unit included in your plan.

While you’re at it, also pay attention to hidden or extra charges. Ensure that the pricing model you select is transparent and doesn’t come with surprise fees.

Make sure you can get a refill or restaff without paying extra

This is all about ensuring you have flexibility. You may not like the VA(s) your agency assigned you. So, you may need to change them or restaff.

In your contract, check if it allows you to adjust your virtual assistant support without incurring additional costs.

Also, life is unpredictable, and your business’s needs might change. Ensure you can add more hours or switch to a different assistant when necessary without breaking the bank.

Make sure you can roll over hours when you don’t use them

Rolling over unused hours is a money-saving feature we believe every virtual assistant company should offer. You paid for it, so you should be able to use it as long as you don’t cancel your account.

So, ensure your contracts allow you to carry over hours from one month to the next, preventing you from losing money on unused time.

Make sure you can pause your account if you need to

Businesses have ups and downs, and sometimes you may need to pause your virtual assistant services temporarily. This can owe to budget constraints or anything else.

Check if your contract permits account suspension without ongoing charges. You want to make sure you can put your gym membership on hold while you’re away — you shouldn’t be billed when you’re not actively using the service.

Note: Ready to hire VA services for your business? At Cascade Virtual, we are the business growth partners you need. We offer you U.S.-based VAs with over 10 years of experience at a $35-$50 hourly rate. Our team takes care of the activities that weigh you down while you focus on the core parts of your business. Book a meeting with us!

How do virtual assistant service companies compare?

Here we will enumerate the top 10 of the best virtual assistant companies on the market right now, discuss their pricing and how they compare.

VA companies

Hourly rate (Either calculated or offered

Monthly retainer

Packaged deals

Dedicated Assistant

Weekly Business Gorwth

Good to know!

Cascade Virtual

$35 - $50 hourly rate

You get an hourly rate pricing with a pay-per-use model. You can roll over hours, pay the same price when hours go extra, pause your account anytime, and get a refill or restaff with zero sweat and no extra pay. Also, you get VAs from the U.S. with over 10 years of experience.

OVA Virtual

$8 hourly rate




They operate like a job board, and you only get VAs from the Philipines. Also, what you read is not their actual price. It's only the starting price for their cheapest services. The actual price can be a lot higher based on what you require.


$26 hourly rate calculated from a $1450 monthly package with 55hours of service


Relatively high. The company doesn't charge overages until you consistently go 20-30 percent over.

Time etc.

$36 hourly rate

An hourly rate of $36 is quite high. Also, their lowest plan of 10 hours doesn't let you roll over hours.

Brivity VA

Charges per project and also offers part-time and full-time VAs, who respectively cost $62 per hour and $43



They're very expensive. Plus, there are onboarding fees that go up to $350.


$45 for every hour of service



Zirtual lets you switch plans and cancel at any time as your needs change. But you can’t roll over hours.


$55 hourly rate



They're expensive. They have several plans. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time.

Fancy Hands

$29.99 per month for five requests



The appeal of Fancy Hands is the ability to pay per request or via subscription, offering you the flexibility to pay based on the number of tasks


$33 per hour



Their VAs are primarily from India and the Philipinnes. Additional hours can cost you up to $12 per hour.


$7.5 calculated from a $1200 business monthly plan offering 120 hours.




You can only rollover hours when you purchase huge plans, and it's a complicated process. Overages will cost you $12 per hour.

Why Cascade Virtual offers the best virtual assistant service pricing for your business

Like we said before, when you are hiring virtual assistants, it means you want to achieve operational excellence without spending too much time and money.

We at Cascade understand this. And that’s why we’ve set out to offer you the best service in the market with the most reasonable, client-centric pricing model.

First, we operate based on an hourly retainer that’s capped at $35 per hour. The interesting thing for you about this pricing is that not only is it below that of most VA businesses you may encounter, but we also charge you based on a pay-per-use model.

This means that you only pay for the services you use, and it offers you a unique flexibility and cost-effectiveness you won’t find anywhere else, particularly for businesses with fluctuating needs. Here are the main benefits of our pay-per-use structure:

  • You can scale usage up or down based on current demand without worrying about wasted hours or insufficient retainer limits.

  • You only pay for the work done, which is particularly beneficial for startups or small businesses with limited budgets.

  • You won’t have to waste your time tracking hours or negotiating project terms; the administrative process is simpler and more transparent.

Note: Ready to hire VA services for your business? At Cascade Virtual, we are the business growth partners you need. We offer you U.S.-based VAs with over 10 years of experience at a $35-$50 hourly rate. Our team takes care of the activities that weigh you down while you focus on the core parts of your business. Book a meeting with us!

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